Rapist Catholic priest Robin's outrageous offer to court: Wants to marry rape survivor

America Population: 320-330M India Population: 1.3B-1.4B

America Rapes per 100,000 or 1L: about 27-29 (taking 28) Rapes considering entire population: 330M/1L x cases= 92,400

India rapes per 1L:8-9( not considering those not reported obviously) India rapes considering population: 1.35B /1Lx cases: 108,000.

Now According to our National Crime Recording Bureau: 71% of cases go unreported so 1,08,000 are 29% of cases!

Also American (Some govt website) says that sexual assault 70-80% go unreported, so I haven’t found the number for rapes. Let’s take it as 40-60% go unreported, taking 50% as unreported.

America total cases 184,000 While India:about 3,60,000

I’m sorry if this sounds a bit weird/ insensitive, but don’t get those population to cases charts as a country like India which has a serious issue in this type of problem gets an excuse to not try to fix it.

/r/india Thread Parent Link - thenewsminute.com