Rate this stormchaser?

Thing about stormchaser is that if you can hit your shots then it basically has triple tap built into it. In a sense their stormchaser has triple tap+frenzy (although a bit less dps than your standard linear with that roll, just similiar total damage) which sailspy cant match upto.

Clown linears are a cool idea but fall flat in any decently long damage phase as you run out of ammo, again, stormchaser basically has tt built into it so its an exception.

Stormchaser with that roll will also outdps a taipan god roll with perfect veist rng provided you also use font of might or simply match any arc singe. Like i said itll also have a much better ammo economy than sailspy will have.

Unless accuracy is so incredibly painful and you can atleast match arc font/a singe then sailspy is hard to justify ever using.

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