A rather worrisome dream

PERIPETEIA Scene 4 Three fathoms ~18' into the store (initial target, CVS, and back to target; fathom means both distance and understanding), she takes off. She runs, just like her nose ran earlier, only now she sprints, runs at full speed away from you to the clothes section. She doesn't want the world to see you as a couple. Brutal. You shout "Hey wait" and gives chase. But she is too fast for you—English faest, akin to the German fest, firm, stable—she is firm in her conviction: not him.

Scene 5 You've lost her. The target (qua psychology of a love interest) takes on a out-sized preoccupation for you. "I didn’t really notice how big it was, until I started searching for her." He has dissected—IE base (s)kel to cut—the store in half and is now on the allos other side of the store. There you meet another female friend, whom you knows irl, in the side bathroom corridor. She is also looking for your runaway. Then in running to the third quadrant of the store you, or rather his act of running, disconnects the power to a guy with a MacBook. The store broken into four quadrants, and the players: u/deniyuo, the love interest, his female searching twin (2nd quadrant), and the guy with MacBook (3rd quadrant), together form a psychological mandala structure, with the store being a container the Self, and the four players as images of the four functions: thinking, feeling, intuition and reality/sensation. u/deniyo would obviously be the dominant or most conscious of the functions, probably the thinking function. His love interest would be the opposite, or least developed function, feeling. The girl seeking his love interest would be the more conscious of the two auxiliaries since he knows her irl. And the guy with the MacBook would be the decidedly unconscious side of the lesser auxiliary. That he is male indicates that his functions faces the unconscious, and draws its power from it. That being the case I would venture the dreamer's typology is thinking, reality/sensation, intuition, feeling. But again, this is speculation based on narrative analysis. To know for sure, one would have to be tested.

Scene 6 The target turns into a warehouse store. The etymology—and what we're interested here is meaning, that is, dream semiotics—the etymology of warehouse stems from the Old English waru, specialized care, as in what is kept safe. In scene 3 u/deniyo wanted to keep her safe. Here, in scene 6 his existential Self is a warehouse store, that is, the goods therein are what needs to be kept safe. in both cases, scenes 3 and 6, what needs to be kept safe are u/deniyo's feelings.

LYSIS Scene 7 He reaches the 4th quadrant, which in our previous analysis would correspond to his feelings (which must be safeguarded) and also to the girl who is the object of his affections. He's sprinting as she was and is out of breath (ruach/spirit). At the end, he sees it, his burning desire (the coal powered furnace), and takes up the sprint again to open the door.

EPILOG The events of the dream are of the nature of an adolescent psychic experience five or six years previous. Why is he dreaming about this now? What is the message the unconscious is trying to convey in this presentation? As a prologue to the dream, he reports, "I am 18, and I’ve had a girlfriend of two years. She was nowhere to be found in this dream. She didn't cross my mind once in this dream." Since the dream is manifestly about protecting the vulnerability of his feelings, and I suggest this with trepidation as I am uninformed about his life or circumstance, that perhaps the dream is indeed about his current romantic situation?

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