Rave girl wants free bottled water, gets shut down

That’s fine turning down a bottle of water and all, but tbh you guys should really be giving out free cups of water at the bar to people who need them. I was in the event production business, and 99% of venues we worked with would hand out free water cups as a rule to anyone who asked. Especially at electronic events.

Pointing someone to a water fountain is fine...as long as you give them a cup so they can get properly hydrated. Those small plastic cups cost all of 1 cent a piece.

The only venues who won’t do that for someone rolling or tripping are run by total scumbags. And not because people on drugs are owed anything....but because it’s a serious health safety issue, and kids drop dead all the time at raves from heat exhaustion because they don’t have their wallets or cash to buy water.

/r/ChoosingBeggars Thread