Re-financing our auto loan & have been offered a "cash out" option, to take or not to take?

I'm well aware that the "value" won't be there when we're done paying it. I accepted it the day we had to get the vehicle. It's a Toyota. I'm either going to win win & have it til 300,000+ miles and be fine with it, or I won't.

If I could afford that much extra on the car payment, I would already be doing it!

With 5k in card debt & another 8k on the car loan, it's not as simple as "pay one off as fast as you can and attack the others". I'm attacking all of them at once as best as I can cause that's literally my only option right now... Need to get that high interest card debt awaaaaay!

Our goal is to be out of debt by October of next year. We're hoping to move from our rental home to a camper & start saving to build on some land we own. Yea, we dug a hole with shitty income, but we're not perfect & again, had no other choice with the situation we were in. We both have been looking for part time jobs for months now, when you work Mon-Fri 7-6 generally, a part time job doesn't just magically pop up that will work us just weekends or evening for a few hours. I have however started making money off a side hobby I've enjoyed for a month or two now (jewelry) all of the income from that is going straight into savings which has been ~200 or so now.

Part time school is already what we're looking for, as we work full time. I definitely am looking into online classes for both of us!

Thanks for your input, but I don't see how else I'm going to pay off that card any faster without the cash out option. I'm trading 20%+ interest for it to be built into that auto loan at 16% & I know once that high debt card is paid off I can attack the shit out of the others like I have been currently doing with all 4 & the car loan.

Thanks for response! I do appreciate it!

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