(RE from r/nononono mispost) Man wins Olympic Gold to fulfil the promise to his deceased wife

America still has a ways to go with our laws around weed but it's no where close to how you think it is. You can't get 20 years for just 5g of weed, that's total bullshit. If someone gets any jail time at all for that amount it's because of other factors like also possessing an illegal firearm, violating parole, children involved, stuff like that. Even then 20 years is ridiculously hyperbolic. The worst case I've heard of is a woman got 10 years for a few grams, but that's because she 1) sold to an undercover cop in front of her toddler - who she also let handle the money for the transaction and 2) instead of taking the 2 year plea deal she tried to fight it.

/r/BeAmazed Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it