Re-ordered Art Angels

The poptimist mission statement, inviting all listeners while flipping off closed eared haters 1. Go (new production solely by Grimes, and integrating Laughing... as an intro or outro into...)

The upbeat mostly guitarry pop/punk/country section. The "so here I am in LA and you're still in Montreal, don't fucking call me Marie Antoinette unless you were even good enough to have been offered the chance to sell out and said no" diss tracks, culminating in a diss of her haters that revels in but also playfully deconstructs her own Pacino-like omnipotence 2. California 3. Scream 4. Flesh Without Blood 5. Kill v Maim

The moody alt rock section. The nostalgic Montreal songs, the personal and vulnerable heart of the record, with her conflictedness over the violent excesses of Scream, Flesh, Kill v Maim or else just a less-than-thrilling night out dancing to EDM in LA spurring her to contemplate the lost ideals of the Montreal utopian indie dancefloor she had just been rejecting 6. Belly of the Beat 7. David (or Easily if she really didn't want) 8. Artangels 9. Pin

The electronic/dance/hip hop section- Moving on from the nostalgia for lost ideals and friends into reality, and also moving beyond hurtful aggression into confidence and empowerment 10. Realiti 11. World Princess II 12. Venus Fly 13. Life in the Vivid Dream

Pop- perfectly confident, joyful, yet sad, contemplative and meditative. The statement of where she's at now, awoken from the dream, seeing what has been lost as her old "forest" is burned down and looking back with regret for what was lost but open eyed toward the sky she is flying to, and could not turn back from even if she wanted, as she has chosen to fly toward those who burned down the forest (not being a dream girl means not being perfect) 14. Butterfly

/r/Grimes Thread