You say you’re pro-life, but then you want to limit health care for my disabled son| Washington Post

make them feel like they're good christians while they are entirely unchristian

Fuck the politicians that exploit people's deeply held religious beliefs, but I'm tired of the idea that pro-lifers are "too dumb" to make informed decisions or just men trying to control women's bodies. Most of the pro-life people I know are women, and all are deeply conflicted politically.

Remember, if you believe that god grants us a soul at conception, then an abortion is killing a human being. I'd like to deny that out of hand, but the truth is we have no idea how to connect the joy of eating a cheeseburger with interacting fermions and bosons. Pointing to a higher power is just as reasonable as handwaving about quantum effects. How could that not affect who you vote for?

You might say that there are more effective ways of saving lives. Why aren't they focusing the same energy stopping famine abroad? And you'd be right, but it's just human nature. We liberals support assistance for disenfranchised Americans when the same money would do far more in third world countries.

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