I reached out to the mods of r/entertainment to ask why we are getting banned and the answer is....Elliot Page.

"community interference" .. I would think banning everyone from a sub is 'interfering' with that community.

Mind you.. the population in this sub have zero problem interfering / harassing / brigading.. So I guess it's all swings and roundabouts.

edit: -2 in 4 minutes every comment every time - they really really can't stand it when people prove them wrong, so are just desperate to silence people. just like the mods being complained about in this post. To be honest I probably would have left this sub due to the sheer number of bots (about 70%-ish), but since they've been doing it... I'm not going anywhere out of sheer 'fuck you too' - repeat post / delete / repost .. might even setup a bot to just repost my comments once every 5 minutes, just for the fuck of it

/r/JoeRogan Thread Link - i.redd.it