The Reaction to "My Unorthodox Life" is Telling

But before the communal leadership celebrates too hard, take a closer look at where they’re finding that fulfilment: in their jobs, their exercise classes, and their friends and family. Noticeably absent is any mention of organised religion. Yes, there’s an occasional reference to the serenity of Shabbat. But the main reason they seem to be happy is that they have mentally exited from the areas where they are genuinely second-class citizens, like shul, and Jewish learning and leadership opportunities.

Or maybe you view 'organized religion' differently than they do. Going to shul just might not be part of their regular activities, or they don't actively think of it as a place to 'enjoy.' Judaism is a responsibility, to many. The author makes it seem like Judaism doesn't exist outside of shul - these women don't suddenly stop being Jewish or even just orthodox the moment they leave synagogue. Their work life is a Jewish work life. Their exercise classes likely have some rules stemming from their reading of halakha. Their friends and family . . . are Jewish. Just because they didn't list 'davening' as a fulfilling activity doesn't discount their Judaism or their love for their way of life.

/r/Judaism Thread Link -