The reaction to the watchpoint pride segment on OWL broadcast was predictably embarrassing and shows why it's important in the first place

It's annoying how disgusting people can be

I have a couple friends who are kind of like this, not to this extent, but you can tell they're on the line homophobic based off of a lot of the comments they make.

It's not just that either, and I don't mean to pick on a specific app here, but they all use Tiktok. Which makes sense, because a lot of the content on that platform is made to shun things like being LGBTQ+ or someone who likes anime.

My one friend got suspended because he called some kid a "weebtard" who had an anime pfp. I don't personally watch anime, but I at least have enough common decency to respect their interests and realize that they are human beings, which was one of the arguments he was trying to make. They are "different"

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread