I read these 4 books this week and oh my how drastically my mentality has changed for the better.

The whole “why don’t they teach this is high school.”

I disagree with the superior/hostile tone of your comment, but I do agree with the core sentiment.

Learning is a lifelong process. I never expected that high school would teach me everything I needed to know. That's why it puzzles me when people say "I wish they taught this stuff in high school." Why not learn it now?

Also, the financial landscape has changed over time. When I was in high school, ETFs had only just been invented, and index funds weren't nearly as widespread as they are now. Anything I learned in the 1990s would be semi-obsolete by now.

I do think we need to promote better financial literacy (so that people at least know there's something to learn, and what a good source is).

/r/financialindependence Thread Parent