Real Improvement

The big thing that I see most people missing is that you can’t put any numbers on the board when you’re watching the respawn timer. Stay alive and keep your team alive. The respawn timer is 10 seconds and specifically spawns you away from the action. Shields take 4 seconds from the last shot landed on you to begin recharging, and 1 second to charge from broken to full.

Don’t chase kills. If they retreat around the corner then their team is probably waiting around that corner. If they land the first shot on you, you’ve already lost. Don’t be stubborn and hope they miss a shot (they won’t). Don’t try to Hail Mary the melee trade. Just disengage for 5 seconds and then go after them. You’ll have a much better chance the second time because you know where they are now.

Strength in numbers is how you win gunfights and how you win games. Stick with your team so that every fight is a 2v1 or a 3v2. If you’re with 3 silent players then use your mic anyway to coordinate the team. Avoid being negative. If they are splitting up then say things like, “they’re ahead because we’re spread too thin. Let’s stay together to catch up. I got your back.” If xslayer69x is still splitting off like a dumbass then tell everyone else, “xslayer69x is on point, follow his lead.”

/r/CompetitiveHalo Thread