Real men dont hit... oh wait

That's /r/nononono content.

I see 2 small stories here:

  1. Dude being abused by a woman who doesn't know how to respect her privelege to be socially protected (through upbringing etc.) against physical violence. Maybe for first time in her life, maybe as another example of her bitchy habit.
  2. A bad example of what she was protected from. This guy went way too far. Maybe for first time in his life or maybe he can't even sum up amount of all abuses he did. He was intoxicated and went into fury when that woman just wanted to keep physical distance from him. His behavior before the end gives a vibe of molestation/harassment.

And in the end I may not know shit considering possible variety of their background and reasons for this awful escalation to happen. I just wanted to express that it is not a simple /r/justiceporn material.

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