The real NPCs.

I get what you are saying but I have to say that it is pretty spot on for most of the people in my life.

I used to call them the "Manchurian candidates" back in the day.

Have a friend of over 20 years. Never once mentioned immigration. Then there is a picture of a kid in a cage, talk to the friend and he has this 10 minute completely formulated rant about Trump and immigration. Turn on CNN later that day and the EXACT same rant is being said by some talking head.

And this goes for transgender bathroom rights, Nestle water, Flint, Guns, and on and on.

It's a good meme because it really captures what people have been dealing with.

You have a person in your who NEVER had an opinion about something one day have a super strong opinion on it. Then you realize that it's basically a talking point from the news of the day. It's like all analytical and critical thinking are gone. Like the individual is not a part of the discussion, but only the ideology.

It's not about one side or the other. It's not that someone disagrees with you. It's when a person "magically" has the exact same opinion as everyone else on the exact same issue right around the same time. And for me I would add, that they never cared, talked, or even had an opinion before that topic hit the news cycle.

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