Real Photo of The President’s Notes for Briefing

Ya won't argue that there's something to be said for experience. He may carry some old baggage with him but it is what it is. He may not represent the newer generations but, again, it is what it is. I appreciate it isn't "the president show" like the last couple of guys, I'd rather actual leadership than a reality show.

That all being said our elected legislators are too busy making sure none of their colleagues get credit for solving real issues to actually get anything done for their constituents. The same thing happened during the fall of the Roman republic, and while history may not repeat, it often rhymes.

Was recently reading a book on those years and the author said something to the effect of "the Roman senators were happy to let a known problem persist in order to prevent any other senator receiving credit for a solution" and it feels rarkably relevant.

We all know how that worked out for the republic. Let's hope we're smarter than that, buuuuuut I'm not getting my hopes up.

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