The real picture of Tiananmen Square that people should be posting

I guess I should preface this by saying I do think a ton of people died, since people seem to be flippin' out if you imply anything different.

I've seen this photo before and always thought it was a ton of dead people. Your comment made me look more closely, and you're totally right. I went through and tagged people that I think are in bad shape as red, and people who seem to just be taking cover (laying down but head up)

Of course, they totally could be bleeding out. But it looks like a lot of the bikes were from people getting away who fell off and decided to just leg it, rather than dead bodies strewn all over. My first impression when to equate the bikes to bodies, but most of the bikes are abandoned.

To repeat, this is not to say I don't think a ton of people actually died! I just thought it's interesting that the picture gives off the impression of "omg so many bodies" but when you look closely it's... still bodies, but not as many as you might first think and with several looking like they're people trying to get down and take cover.

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