The real reason you're stuck in the challenger ranks

I've been challenge elite V for what seems like weeks, and can not get over the hump. I do all of these things, yet it always seems like my teammates being absolutely awful on defense costs us a game. I'm not an amazing offensive player, but I am (based on watching other people in my games) very far above most people when it comes to passing and defending - especially at triggering clears into breakaways/goals. I'm really good at anticipating those wall bounces and catch them before they reach the other car, and fire them at the other goal.

My game is basically played in loops...everything I do in loops. If I pass it around a corner, I loop back on defense...if someone passes it to me, and I don't have a clear shot, I loop back. If I hit a ball into a corner, and they block it, I fire right back in to try and pinch it over the net and loop back on defense...I get way too many players who pass it to the center, where I should take it...but they stay and try to make a gets deflected/saved/missed, and the other team scores an easy goal. This is the majority of how I'm handed many losses.

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