It's a real shame none of the Class 1-A Girls got Battle Quirks

I don't even mind the battle-ready factor - the Three Musketeers just stand out in that regard, their Quirks each automatically raising their strength and endurance and mobility by several levels above all of their their class mates. That's something to overcome during three years of education and training and several years of sidekicking after, girls and boys of 1A. Froppy training under Mirko? Yes please.

It's more the Waifu Cleanliness that holds them back in the current plot. Can't really have Uravity do the same things her Quirk was used for by Toga. Mina could melt people. Jiro only needs to train to keep up with the power levels of the likes of Mic IF a sound Quirk user is around, and then boom, remote Stroke Powers. Momo's Quirk basically could be I Got A Shotgun. Toru can have frikkin. Laser. Beams. If Kacchan is allowed to explode people, why not this.

/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia Thread