A realisation I’ve had as a black man.

A little people watching would go a long way to help your door-locking white (I'm assuming) women feel better about being around black men. Ever see a black man with his kid in the grocery store? Holy shit! That's his favorite person, and you can tell at a glance.

If it's a tiny kid, it will be in his arms. If it's an older kid, they'll be talking to each other like best friends, joking, smiling. It's wonderful, and not nearly enough white dads act the same way with their kids out in public.

Feeling isolated in a parking lot can be scary, and men look dangerous for a number of reasons. It's sad if women are afraid of you just for being black, and I hope that's not what it is.

I wish my community had the casual love and affection for each other that yours does.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread