Realistic expectations on having a family while having CPTSD

My post is not his story, there is a lot involved there, and as he is an adult, I don’t feel comfortable posting his story. He didn’t give me permission to do so.

I just relayed what both a doctor and therapist told me about 5 yrs ago. He is doing great and has a family of his own.

This post was about having the possibility of a family, even though it may be difficult. If my son’s diagnosis was your main take away, I’m sorry.

I rarely am offended, but I was a bit by these two posts, which is why I made the edit. Well, more that my feelings were hurt. He and his wife are going through some issues. She has postpartum and is threatening to hurt the kids, so I’m handling that, so I may be over sensitive. If my information was outdated or incorrect, thank you for the correction, but it came from two sources that have been fantastically helpful for my family.

/r/CPTSD Thread Parent