Reality of why you can't climb low elo with Yi(it's not the nerfs)

It's not duskblade crit that's bad, it's you. Your macro is absolutely inexcusable and you play like some kind of monkey with a colored neon stick. Monkey see monkey do...

The fact that everyone diamond 2+ doesn't even complain about duskblade means it's only pisslow that's complaining about it.

The build is arguably still lethal and what you don't get is that squishies can still be killed fairly quickly with this build.

Zhonyas ALWAYS has a lower winrate in a mage's build but does that mean it's bad? No, in fact it could turn a game around.

Sometimes you have to just sit down and realize the build didn't fail you, your brain did.

SO WHAT that an average idiot yi player can't just pick up duskblade and win a lot with it, it's a more macro intensive build and that's intended. The winrate is lower because the players picking it are usually stupid.

/r/YIMO Thread