Reality check: Do you know anyone that uses Spice?

I've smoked for about 25 years and its probably guided many of my social interactions. I still have yet to meet anyone that uses, or even anyone that knows somebody that uses synthetic cannabis. I assumed it was confined to prisons. The statistics are revealing if they're actually representative - about 40,000 people is a drop in the ocean given how much headline space Spice gets.

You have to wonder if synthetic cannabis analogues would even exist if people could freely grow their own natural medicine at home without fear of prosecution or a criminal record. Parents are entrusted to not give their developing adolescents alcohol or paracetamol or drain cleaner; can they not be trusted to not give their children cannabis?

With children aside (I've always seen this as a non-issue anyway, no one is advocating cannabis use in children and never has), what right does anybody else have to tell us what we can or can't put in our own bodies? Especially something that grows in the garden..

/r/uktrees Thread