Reality Check: This Gruden situation only has a few routes to go.

This is not a racist statement as people are starting to claim it to be, but it also shows ignorance and insensitivity toward our history of racial inequality. Instead of shouting hate to either side, this should be a teaching moment.

Some people may have no idea why this is so controversial. It’s not just describing facial features, but mocking an entire race by portraying with colors on their face like clowns. And this is not just Blackface. Hispanics, Asians, other non Caucasian race had to endure similar portrayal in media for years. And it still exists. This is not singling out what Gruden’s background is, but how our society has become ignorant on why this is not right. Look at all the dumb hate people put out, but no one cares to say why this is wrong. If NFL really wants to help with this issues, they should educate instead of popping off like TMZ.

/r/raiders Thread