Reality and dreams

I've always disliked and disagreed with the "mental illness" is an energy angle. I'm not sure why it's so hard for people to understand or accept that the brain is an organ, so it can be sick or not function correctly like any other organ.

I've had soul connections to karmic soul-mates several times over the decades; sometimes good, sometimes bad. I've never felt like it was an attempt to merge. More like walking up to someone's front door and knocking. Unfortunately, a lot of those people weren't very spiritually awake people; or their karmic damage from this physical life really closed them off.

I can't say much on the dream-state encounters. The only dreams I have that I ever remember are either nightmares or really dark.

Personally, I very much agree with the perspective of Thelema to find one's True Path and do your best to walk it. The right people come and go when they are supposed to. Not that you don't have to nurture or take care of relationships, because you do. But even loving, healthy relationships sometimes have to end for the sake of growth. That was a bitter pill of a lesson to learn.

I met the person I'm sure is my TF back in April. The connection I feel to her is more brilliant and vibrant than anything I've felt for anyone else. And she is currently pissed as hell at me because I attempted to force the process along instead of being more patient and letting things go how they needed to go.

I agree in that we cannot cling to outcomes. We can only walk our path.

/r/twinflames Thread