Reality. It helps.

First off, to the few hating on Christians:

One on the side, you're on Reddit defending the family and religions of recent terrorist attacks, because you want people to understand that their religion has nothing to do with their own personal choices. But on the other side, if a bunch of white Christians is killed, you pay more attention to using their tragedy as an excuse push your political agenda/atheist view.

That's disgusting and pathetic.

Secondly, why would God stop the shooting or any other event? If he did, it would be a complete contradiction to the kind of existence every book preaches, including the Bible and Koran. We have our own free will and responsibilities, God isn't going to hold your hand in life and make it easy for you. You're going to be a proper human creature and do it all with what's given to you on Earth. Prayers might have God help take some mental stress off you, or help guide you, etc, but it's not going to make your dick "3 larger, get you a nice boat, or pass legislation for proper gun control. YOU HAVE TO DO THAT YOURSELF. You thank God for giving you a and b, so why not thank him for giving you a government, science, etc, to work with?

In other words, Liberals need to stop playing dirty and Republicans need to stop being willfully ignorant. Because on both sides, the general population gets hurt. The general people who fight for our rights are being hated by Republicans, while all Christians are being generalized and hated on by some Liberals.

This may not be your intentions, or your movements intentions, but it's what happens anyways. I'll get downvoted for this but whatever. I'm sick and fucking tired of this childish shit. So I'll just do myself a favor and hit the logout button from a pointless social app.

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