Why is a reality TV host and a commercial aircraft engineer/project manager leading your army?

The Secretary of Defense is a statutory office that secures civilian control over the United States Armed Forces. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by law is the highest ranking and senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces not the Secretary of Defense. By law a Secretary of Defense can not be an active military member. A person has to be out of regular military service for at least seven years be the Secretary of Defense. There is no law that states a person must be former military to be Secretary of Defense.

For the record this is not the first time a civilian has ran the DoD. Furthermore we have had more former Lieutenants removed by decades from military service running that department than we have had Generals and Admirals running it. Then again that is the entire point of the Secretary of Defense isn't it? We do not want some crazy General or Admiral thinking that they could rule better than the civilian government do we?

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread