It really is all for nothing…

How the fuck did you afford that? Where do you live? Bumble fuck? That’s not a lie just because you say.

My grandparents paid 19k for their house back in the fifties. Adjusted for inflation, that’s 198,000.

Today there isn’t a single house in my area that is below 400k.

My grandfather worked in catering and my grandma stayed home with the kids.

The incomes today for most won’t allow for a budget of a mortgage and considering how home prices are rising fast, the needed down payment is increasing.

Rents are going up. You have millennials and college kids being the biggest generations ever to exist who still live at home.

So you’re saying everyone in this country is lazy but you’re different lol.

There is a genuine issue here and pretending there isn’t is a slap in the face to everyone struggling on incomes that used to allow for the American dream.

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