I really don't think most players and Riot know what it's like in low elo (bronze/iron) right now.

I played ranked, placed Silver 4, climbed to Silver 2. Seemed easy, had amazing teammates, good rotations and objectives.

Then something changed. Suddenly the quality of my games started to go downhill. Teams were no longer on the same page. Way more feeders/trolls. Got even worse the closer I got to Gold. Managed to peak Silver 1, but went on a huge loss streak and got demoted.

I have experienced what you wrote on here. From a teammate gloating he loved to see us tilting, to an ADC who rage quit, then came back to vote no on surrenders. People feeding HARD top or mid, always trying to fight from behind, throwing leads etc. etc.

Feels so helpless as a support main. I set up wards, sweep, peel for carries, generally stay safe and run from danger. The tips I've read have been absolutely useless in the end. If you're in bronze, good luck my friend it only gets worse from there.

/r/summonerschool Thread