I really feel bad for solo ADC's in high plat/d4. I have no idea how you can climb in that hell hole.

I'm a high plat/low diamond adc who just transferred his old account back to NA, currently playing in mid gold with about a 55% win rate. Soloq, I'm at about a 40% wr, granted I don't have that many games. You have literally no impact on the game whatsoever in this elo. Because golds don't know how to lose lane gracefully, it's either stomp or get stomped in your other lanes. Since I'm playing mostly passive ADs, I don't even get to decide whether I get to win my own lane or not. The supports are literally trolling. And unlike every other account I've ever played on where I rank up playing jungle and then switch to my main role AD when I'm at mid plat, I'm unable to do this because of positional matchmaking. It's likely to take me ~150 games (I'm at about 50 games right now, went from silver 4 to gold 2) to hit just mid plat.

Also, I really need to emphasize that silver/gold supports are literally trolling. I just had a gold soraka rush ardent. Like rush, before tier 2 boots.

Our team comp?


/r/leagueoflegends Thread