Really hard to feel sorry for Bungie's financial woes

Destiny 2 Vanilla was dog shit. Genuinely one of the most disappointing, hell borderline INSULTING games I’ve ever played. CoO was somehow worse than that.

Forsaken is however the highest point of this series entire history and is absolutely brilliant. Period

Destiny 2 “underperforming” has to do with the fact that they forecasted based on the high point and good will of Y3 D1, and all of that was instantly burned off with D2 vanilla. Customers who had been burned once by D1 were burned twice by D2 vanilla, never to return. They aren’t coming back for forsaken, they aren’t coming back for D3. Those gamers are gone.

D3s marketing needs to focus on the fact that this is a gamer for GAMERS and hobbyists.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread