I really hope this doesn't get me banned lol

My friends brother is trans. For the sake of conversation his “sister” is trans. He goes by Ashley now. Growing up I knew him as Ben. His name is legally Ashley so I’ll refer to him as Ashley. Ashley and I have had very long and productive conversations that have boiled down to this “as long as we treat each other as kindly as possible there is mutual respect”. To hate each other for disagreeing on one thing is entirely pointless and ass backwards. It’s counterintuitive. Before Ashley came out, I was “transphobic”. I say it with quotes because I don’t fear trans people. I’m just against forwarding mental illness. I mean in my head you give a guy heroin he’ll tell you he feels better. But is giving him heroin actually helping? No. But I digress. Ashely and I are friends. He understand we just disagree. We don’t talk about it anymore. He’d rather have an extra person around as a friend than feel more ostracized and living in an echo chamber. Is he an anomaly? Sure. Is this anecdotal? Yes. But it’s possible for that dynamic between us to exist. I can tell you right now that THAT is someone I respect. THAT is someone I’d like to have around. THAT is someone who isn’t a cry baby and grew tf up.

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