It really do be like that

uj/ Sucks seeing this guy self destruct. I really pulled for him to lose weight and after the bypass I was actually happy for him (if you followed him for a while you’d know he actually did try a lot to lose weight before getting surgery). Even with his divorce I was amazed at how well he took everything and even when he got to a low point he got back up and was open about it. Then the H3H3 podcast happened and it was an eye opene and I was shocked at his ignorance. Yes, everyone has a right to say what they want to say but when you do and meet resistance it would be wise to take the opportunity to learn why folks are upset and maybe, if you come to the conclusion, admit your wrong and take it as a learning experience. Instead he just made excuses and buried himself in cheap sympathy while become more set in his ways. I thought about staying around because “hey, I don’t have to agree with everything a guy says” but unsubbed when I noticed the kind of people his video comments attracted and just couldn’t be a part of that. These same people claim YouTube is dead (I agree to an extent) so to me Boogie and similar creators are like YouTubes death rattle.

rj/ Just another bunch of triggered SJWs attacking Boogie because he’s so enlightened.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread Link -