I really love the message being said here IW, but once the game starts maybe tone it down a bit

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I don't see how it's going to add average people to the cause, their's aleady a lot of cohesion behind it. If it's goal is to have a positive impact, then yes pissing off racists and would be racists is a bad idea. You want this whole movement to make them rethink things, shoving things into a video game isn't going to do that.

BLM isn't just a phrase it is also an organization, that many can argue is political. The game doesn't have any link to any present political entities, and either way this is a patch post purchase. This can be compared by repalcing any Loading screen with the slogan of a politcal compaign, and after all we are in an election year. Plus when a movement wants political change, then yes it is a political issue.

People didn't buy COD for it to pop up loading screens everytime their is a social issue in the world.

If you look at how Bungie does things they have a weekly news letter to the community, which is usually about changes to the game, but they talk about social issues whenever events happen, they start fundraisers, they create in game emblems, yet they do not have every loading screen replaced with a message. The furthest they go is by advertising those fundraisers and emblems with in game log in screens. It's the best approach.

/r/modernwarfare Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it