Is it Really Lying if it Represents Your Actual Duties?

I have no problem with this at all and idk, maybe I'm in the minority but I put whatever sounds best. I have no issues with lying to HR if it gets me through the door and IT professionals can smell bullshit if somebody doesn't know what they're talking about in the interview.

I worked at the Walmart Home Office as a "Web Applications Support Technician III" but who knows what that even is or what the job title entails so I changed it to 'Help Desk Support (Call Center)' on my resume. It was literally internal phone support for Walmart employees and mostly just filling out tickets that get passed on to Tier 2 support, but "Web Applications Support Technician III" doesn't convey that at all. In fact, there were no Tier I or Tier II positions, Tier III was the lowest lol.

I did the same with my "Desktop Support" role that came after that. I was trying to jump to SysAdmin, my current role, and felt like "Desktop Support" sounded too far away so I changed it to IT Support Specialist to make my role sound broader. It's all worked out well so far so I say put whatever you feel you think is best.

/r/ITCareerQuestions Thread