We really need tags for posts that complain about the game.

  1. Not positive. Not negative. Its just separating people with other opinions to a point where you can completely ignore them.

  2. Yeah the attention span part was a bit too much. Sorry OP. But you dont need to get more personally offended by it than he did. "Oh did he say something bad? Dont worry ill get mad for you"

  3. Whole post was originally made because OP cant agree with others hence wants their posts flaired.

  4. Thanks for instigating this comment back to life

I get the point of the post. I dont disagree with it. Should i make that bold? I said this already. So your comments on saying i dont agree with him are in vain. I dont see why you go so far out of your way to incite people.

But segregating one side of an argument isnt the best way to go about it when you can simply scroll past as i do. Allows others to have opinions other than yours without being negatively labeled as a complaint. You can usually tell from the title what the post is about. Like "They need to improve progression, heres how" is obviously gonna be one. A big "COMPLAINT" is just going to attract downvotes. Not help organize. Like i also said but you also conveniently ignored, The other side of the opinion should receive a flair also then it would be fine. But it will probably get a positive flair like "praise" that attracts upvotes. Which is why both being free to post is probably better.

Every sub that seperates the users into two groups end up like nomanssky and look what happened to their daily users after that. +the fact their game never really got much better due to the fact there are only praise posts now or pics of stuff people found etc so there devs have no idea what the people want them to improve.

Also, another thing ive also said: Once the complaints have been answered or fixed. Theyll be done with. (At least in masses).

Ok? Is this enough? Im not against you or your Lord OP. I dont like all the criticism posts either. Am i able to rest now or will i be attacked by a third wave?

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