Really struggling, need advice.

Hey, I just recently went back to being vegetarian after being vegan for 2 years.

I completely understand where your coming from with the whole ethic point of view in regards to dairy and eggs. It's upsetting and very traumatising to learn about.

However, and many may disagree with me and that's fine, but ultimately our body has to come first. I transitioned back to vegetarian due to the fact that I was loosing too much weight as a vegan and my overall happiness was diminishing. I was always tired, always grumpy and always sad. No matter how much I ate I was still loosing weight and ended up becaming underweight.

I feel much better as a vegetarian. As upsetting as it is, you have to find a middle ground where both your body and your soul can be at peace. For me that's being vegetarian and that may very well be your happy medium as well. Free range eggs and lowering your dairy intake helps a little, it's not ideal, but it's better then nothing.

If you feel you would not be able to eat adequate amounts of food on a vegan diet but feel comfortable being a vegetarian go ahead and just be a vegetarian. Your health and happiness is just as important as animals, and we're not perfect, so finding a happy medium for yourself is probably the best idea in the long run.

I hope this helps.

/r/vegetarian Thread