Really unpopular opinion

hurr durr these kiddos don't understand my memes from 2010

Well, you began with a personal attack in the first place, right? But lets end this discussion before it even starts. (I linked a meme in my comment since you seem to like memes /s)

also, since you want to turn this into a personal attack, I literally down to your posts and see this. a rage comic in 2019. are we stuck in 2006? cmon man

I'm in my mid 20's, just like you I guess, but what you still didn't get is, that it's not an age thing. I mean you can like new and old stuff. I really don't get your issue there. I can follow new trends but still like old things like rage memes. Just like a guy who likes oldtimer cars, old paintings, old literature, old music etc... It's well known that r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu is an ancient sub where ppl mostly repost old rage memes. I really don't get what's wrong with that. You are on reddit. There's a sub for litteraly everything.

TL;DR Just because you don't like sth you don't have to force your opinions upon others or even insult them.

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