I really wanted to post this in that CR thread but I decided not to.

Stop overestimating Saitama's ability. Just stop.

An example would be: *Goku is Japanese for Wukong. Why is his relevant? Because Goku is the spirit of adventure. Even as a young kid, he journeyed and faced the impossible, even surpassing a man who could obliterate the moon. Recently, in Dragon Ball Super, Goku went faster than the infinite flow of time and space itself. If you overestimate Saitama, why underestimate Goku? Toriyama himself admitted Majin Buu was invincible and indestructible, but Goku erased him. *

We don't assume that for Goku, so why Saitama?

Stop wanking Saitama. I didn't want to be like this, but I need to end this jerk. He may be the "One Punch Man" and his author might have intended him to be invincible but that won't fly here. No matter what, good will win. No matter what, the hero will survive and only come back stronger. Here's something that isn't wank and only fact, Superman has no limits. He is the idea of what a hero is and he can't lose. He lifted infinity, defeated death, beat a dark god, and even took down the messenger of the true God himself. So next time you think about saying this Caped Baldy always wins, take this into consideration.

Let me introduce you to No-Punch Man, who can destroy anything by thinking about punching it. If you still claim that Saitama beats No-Punch Man no matter what, you are obviously not determining fight outcomes objectively, and no one is going to take anything you say seriously. If you think that No-Punch Man beats Saitama, you're on the path to healing. See, saying that "Saitama always wins because he can one-punch anything" is about as useless as saying that "No-Punch Man always wins because he can thought-punch anything"; either would be effortlessly crushed by, for example, an entity that is omnipresent throughout spacetime and can kill them when they're infants. Oh, and if you said that you'll need to see speed feats from No-Punch Man before you can judge a fight between him and Saitama, you're in the right place. Welcome to WWW.

And the fact is that No Punch Man exists. There are literally characters from certain series who can kill people with a mental thought in an instant. They also have no physical forms and they exist in different dimensions so there is no way Saitama can punch them and since Saitama's only power comes from punching, he is not going to hurt them in any way.

Saitama is strong, fast and durable, he is a powerful character, but not that powerful and that's ok. There are comics characters like Superman, Flash, Darkseid, and Thanos that are way stronger than him and that's ok. The comics writers give these characters so many op feats that they are among the strongest characters in fiction. They are just too strong, fast durable and smart for Saitama and they even have Hax something manga character never have, this is unfair.... but that's ok. Put any manga character against a comics character and the comics character wins every time... (except DBS they are casual universe buster). And even against other manga, Saitama is low tier and that's ok. You have beings like Naruto who is casual moon-buster and Ichigo, a multi-planet buster, he even killed a nigh-omnipotent being making him a god. So please stop wanking Saitama putting him against people on another level, use people like Batman Aunt May Sakura or Nami for the fight to be fair. THX.

The main problem is that people misunderstand Saitama's character. He's not the most op character in history who can solve any problem by one punching it. Quite the opposite actually. He is the strongest character around, and despite that, the story goes beyond its way to show us and him just how many problems are not solved by it. He is a sad and depressed man, with barely anything to live of. He gets no acknowledgment. His feats of strength carry logical consequences around them. He doesn't even defeat his enemies in one punch. Boros took a lot of them. And if we don't jerk his strength to be infinite, we can see how small of a fry he is compared to a lot of discussed characters here. Sure, he can ruin a planet with a punch. So can Hulk. Sure he is fast. Not as fast as Naruto though. So stop jerking Saitama. He is an interesting character, but serious deconstruction he is not. He is a strong character, but Goku he is not.

Just because Saitama has never lost a fight and defeated every enemy with ease doesn't mean he can beat someone like Superman who has lost countless fights before. I can beat a hundred little kids in arm wrestling with ease. Arnold Schwarzenegger can lose to other professional bodybuilders in arm wrestling. Even though I always won, there is no way in hell that I can beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. All my previous opponents were incredibly weak and all of Arnold's opponents were insanely strong. All of Saitama's enemies were incredibly weak compared to the majority of Superman's enemies so you can't compare them based on their win/lose streak. If Superman were to fight Saitama's enemies, he would succeed much easier than Saitama did.

Let's be clear about two things. The first I'm sure you'll agree with me on: One Punch Man is awesome. The animation is great, the destructive scale of Saitama's power is beautiful, and the parody is solidly delivered. The second is a little harder; Saitama doesn't automatically win. He's never beat King, an opponent in the webcomic defeats him solely because he can't fly, and he will never get that god-damned bug. And this is OK. It's better than OK, it's GREAT. Saitama is a parody character that exists both to lampoon the overpowered characters in other anime, and to show us that being stronger than everyone doesn't solve most problems in life. It's OK for him to lose. It's fine for there to be other people in different universes who can wreck him. They're never going to show up in his series. The joke isn't diminished by the fact that when Azathoth wakes from his slumber, Saitama will never have existed. The joke is not diminished by the fact that Franklin Richards could trap Saitama in a pocket universe without Saitama being aware that anything had even happened. Some fictional characters are vastly more powerful than Saitama will ever be. And it's not a problem to admit that. It doesn't diminish the joke. Pretending the joke is serious business? That diminishes the joke. You diminish the joke. So stop it.

I mean people bring up Boros, and Garou, but nobody that is claiming how unbeatable he is will ever start with both the times he actually fights enemies in his own weight class. (Examples: Manga / Anime ) That's both manga and anime canon for people that like to bring up that he's stronger in the anime. Basically, anyone can take him down given enough time to find a small animal, or something else that's weak. Saying Saitama has no weaknesses is just a flat-out ridiculous statement, weakness IS his weakness! That leaves a huge margin for being countered, and at absolutely maximum wank he's probably not even planet level. Boros didn't blow up the planet, he just put off some slow weak light show and Saitama punched that, is that even quantifiable? Seeing as everything else is like city busters tops I'd say it's an outlier. He's not even the strongest character in his own universe, so where is this even coming from?

Saitama fans are pure distilled cancer, and always have been. That is really the only explanation you need. "One Punch gg" is the go to answer for most of them, and unlike other memes like "lol Speedforce", it's 100% unironic. Other fanbases at least try to show feats and interpret them, but OPM shitters are content with upvoting vague ramblings about how Saitama can do anything, and how he can "One Punch", and if you disagree you probably had a bad childhood. If you're a OPM fan reading this and thinking "well I'm not like this", that may be true. But it doesn't make a difference because you are complicit in the shittery of those fans. You are part of a toxic culture that allows people to wank subpar superhero fantasy characters without social and moral repercussions. Every day you are not working against them is a day enabling them. You are part of the problem. There is no such a thing as a good Saitama fan. You will never get an objective view on this from a Star Wars fan. The type of OPM fan you're likely to encounter here has likely fully bought into /r/OnePunchMan's unprecedented brainwashing. They probably have statues and watch OPM. You won't get through to them, and they cannot be objective. Because the truth is, every new piece of merchandise is like additional wool over their eyes, every new cartoon episode another layer of insulation from the reality that OPM is fucking rubbish lmao.

/r/whowouldcirclejerk Thread