Do you really think the world is such a threatening place?

The world as a whole is in a sense a very dangerous place. Especially for living beings. Nature always has various hazards that can be detrimental to our health. But that's another story, lest I go off topic.

Do I think our world is a dangerous place? Not particularly. Not at all. I don't walk around viewing every person as a threat. I don't see every human being as a capable assailant. I don't act like every one is out to hurt me. All I do is keep my wits about me. I watch my back. Simple things really.

My city isn't particularly dangerous. It's relatively safe, statically speaking. In regards to statistics, violent crime is in a decline nation wide. But even if crime was absolute zero or near it, I would still carry my firearm. It's my life choice and comes at no cost to others.

Regarding your examples of "accidents" or situations of heated retaliation, I disregard them. Humans are negligent. Firearms are not. In order for their to be unintentional harm, a human must be negligent. I follow the proper safety rules to the letter. I am dead serious about them. Firearms are a passion of mine, one of few. But an inanimate object is not to blame for the negligent actions of imperfect humans.

I like this world. It could be better, and it is improving. You can think you understand all of us, especially behind the anonymity of a brand new account. But most of us are very kind, and value human life highly. Even that of people who may wish us harm. But that doesn't mean we don't value our life enough to relinquish a means to self defense. It's a natural human right. Inalienable. I don't believe in a higher power, but I believe as human (or animal) I deserve a way to defend myself. No one can take that from me. My teeth and nails aren't very efficient at the job like other animals so I require tools. Firearms are a tool.

/r/CCW Thread