I REALLYYY hope she is kidding

Back in probably 2012 I think it was, I had a blackberry. I didn’t have data though, at least not that I was aware of. My dad also had a blackberry and they made me install an app that tracks my location. I had it on my phone a few days (and I think they were able to track me) before I told my dad I deleted it (he kept pestering me about it) because my phone didn’t have much space and it was lagging super hard. To my surprise, that worked.

When I got my first iPhone they sort of forgot about the ability to do that stuff or didn’t bother bc I didn’t have data back then. They also don’t really know how to use that tech. My dad does now, but I’m nearly 21 and don’t leave home frequently (havent gone out frequently like I used to for and the last approx 4.5 years after having a total mental breakdown) so he doesn’t bother. I actually track him most of the time bc I get really worried when he travels for business or if there’s bad weather out, so I like to be able to check and it’s something he doesn’t mind. I rarely ever check it too, I’ve probably only ever checked it a couple times in the last few years. I don’t think his location is currently shared with me either.

The only person I share my location with is my best friend (who also shares hers with me) in case something happens to me or people are getting worried and can’t get ahold of me (or if I’m meeting someone for the first time). I’ll share my location with others for a day or something if I need them to look out for me or sometimes if we are meeting up but that’s it. I don’t trust anyone else to share it indefinitely.

/r/insaneparents Thread Link - i.redd.it