Reasoning for exploiting the van on Kanal. This disgusts me. Straight douche canoe/ slut worm kind of guy.

Casual - A queue to not worry about winning or losing. If you lose, quit, win, disconnect it doesn't hurt any significant rating. Its a place to try new things, new strats, new spots to defend from, attack from, plant from, breach from. Can I get up there, what if I hide here or lay down under there. Its where new players start, learn maps and operators because its the least serious. Also one of the best times to use less used operators to complete challenges. Casual is where you learn to be better. Casual is where you explore and with exploring comes getting into trouble. Finding super cheeky spots and well sometimes inside things that you shouldn't. Its just casual. The best thing would be to make a video explaining how to do it and sending to Ubisoft. Then to reddit for fake internet points and pm death threats. If the exploit is used to kill another player. In the long run they are now a better player. Hopefully the team will learn how to counter the location or stay away in general and in the future. Map awareness +10 points.

In this scenario: "A guy killed me in the garage by hiding in the van. Well I know I can't kill him where he is at. But hey he only has 1 way back. Either I take the newly gained knowledge and I avoid the garage or I try and turn the tides and kill him when he gets out. Either way I'm getting better by adding this to my top secret book of map awareness. And well hey if this exploit becomes too overpowering I can leave and be in a new game in less than a few minutes"

Ranked - the queue that has impact on the entire team and ones self. A place to play serious and put the knowledge learned in casual to good use. Winning is important. Not a game mode to just mess around on or take delicate time to find new cool spots to defend or attack from. Not the time to try and complete daily challenges. This is where you use the operators you are good at, the attacking/defensing positions you know best and execute to win the game. Ranked is least likely to have exploiters. Most players are there to play fun and serious. There isn't time and you wouldn't want to jeopardize a round by trying to get somewhere you shouldn't and die for a stupid reason placing added pressure on your team. Ranked, is though, common ground for piece of shit hackers that to deserve to be permabanned from the interwebs and force fed bags of dicks while being thrown into frost traps and wild twitch drones. Ohhh oops sorry kinda went somewhere else with that. Yeah as I was saying. Ranked is ranked. Get tactical. #RankedGamesMatter

Casual is where you do stupid things. Ranked is not. Casual is where you place 50 jager bombs in 1 room. Ranked is not. Casual is where you all pile up in the freezer with the hostage on Kafe Dostoyevsky and touch each other, ohh I mean defend. Ranked is not (well) Casual is where you take IQ to the master bedroom on house and show her your drone. Ranked is where you save IQs life while she's having a blonde moment and clutch the round getting an ace.

What am I getting at. There will always be hacking. There will always be someone finding some sneaky beaky exploit. It might not be right and its no fun to get killed by exploiters but really you then have the advantage. Hackers are simply bags of dicks that need to be smashed in a specific hydraulic press or have molten copper poured upon them. And exploiters. Shit will be fixed at the following patch; to developers those are easy. The quicker everyone knows the easier it is to work around. I think the phrase is "welcome to gaming". If you are going to play casual dont get your hopes up for a serious game. If you want to play serious go play ranked.

Well that's all I've got. I will take exploiters over pussy dryer hackers any day of the week. On that note IQ wants me to come back to bed. Something about her friend Valkyrie is over and she wants me to meet her.

IQsBootyDoe #DatAss #IHaveAnElectronicYouCanDetect

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