Rebuild of I-35W in Minneapolis starting Monday 'will be tough' on drivers - Headaches and gridlock loom as a four-year rebuild is set to begin on Monday.

Ok here is the deal. I'm a non-biking advocate of biking infrastructure in Minneapolis. I'm on your team.

However, attitudes like this push moderate folks like me over to the other side. Attitudes like "I'm not trying hard enough to get out of my car." Listen dude. I have kids and one with mental issues so fact is I can't bike to her school if she has an episode. I'm not some 1 percenter either in terms of needing to be in a car. Folks out here have lots of special circumstances and are doing their best.

There is definitely a self-righteous, religious quality to bike commuters push for infrastructure. I kinda get are up against a majority and feel the need to push hard for new ideas. I know the feeling. Your cause is just.

But when folks have different kids, or disabilities, or poverty, you need to respect that. Not everyone is a 20 something childless male who can build a long commute into their life. Some folks are just getting by.... People drive for various reasons.

I would ask that the biking lobby respect that and you take it into account when talking to people about their commutes. Comments like yours are going to work against your cause. Open your mind to the many experiences out there and reasons folks have to drive. We want to work with you. But we need you to work with us and not be so dismissive.

I am certainly overreacting here...but I'm not reacting to you personally but rather to a larger group of bike commuters that I have found have this dismissive perspective.

All I'm saying is keep an open mind. They are many reasons we drive to work, school etc...

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