REC NEEDED for hyperpigmentation

Hi friend! I also suffer from hyperpigmentation (mine is a pretty severe amount)

This post from SimpleSkincareScience has a lot of helpful information & a good chart that shows the best ingredients for H.

For my personal experience & products: The main thing is reapplying sunscreen every 2 hours religiously. Even if you have makeup on. If you wanna take it to another level, apply Even if you’re indoors, if there’s windows - sun rays can still come in. It’s annoying to reapply but the sun is our worst enemy!

As for personal products I recommend - the CeraVe retinol resurfacing serum is great for me. Retinol helps with acne & hyperpigmentation. It also has niacinamide, licorice root, & ceramides. (Although for that product - I’m not sure if it’ll interact badly with your routine (since I don’t really understand what the “buffet serum” is haha even when I look at the ingredients).

My favorite sunscreen (even though... it hurts bc it’s expensive) is Elta mD sunscreen: clear 46. it has Niacinamide, lactic acid, sodium hyaluronate. It’s definitely very loved by me and many others. I’ll switch to a cheaper sunscreen once my H is starting to fade lol.

Good luck in your journey my friend. It’s rough I know. It takes a long time to fade sadly. I’m there with ya ❤️

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