Received a “Welcome to the Village” leaflet after moving into our new house, am getting some major Hot Fuzz vibes

Oh that's nothing, wait until you happen to go to church once for Easter or Christmas carols. Also, don't ever leave leaf clippings lying around, or organise a birthday party that requires people to park on the road.

Another quick heads up, don't EVER try to organise something for the community without speaking to the Parish Council. During COVID I sent out leaflets to vulnerable elderly neighbours to offer my help with picking up medicines, or food. You'd think I'd posted Nazi propaganda with the reaction I got from the council.

Oh, and never join the council, it will ruin village life for you. I made that mistake and now I hate everyone. The things that these people occupy themselves with, is frankly insane.

Source: I grew up in a notorious council estate, went from being homeless to growing and selling a business and now I live in an affluent small village with my wife and kids. It never ceases to amaze me how middle class villagers can focus on an the smallest things, and how formal everything is. I survive by reminding myself that I could murder each and every one of them with my bare hands, but choose not to.

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