The Recent Problems

What frustrates me, is while this thread has a 0 tolerance policy for gas lightning and slut shaming -- it seems to be completely fine with insinuating that men are monsters.

"So men are robots that just harrass women with vile comment"

"The only way for you to reduce men coming on to you, is to be invisible, or be a "man". Period end of story. Being unavailable, illegal, or whatever won't stop some men from trying."

"How their entitlement as men to harrass women "

"men justify victim-blaming and slut-shaming are just projecting their guilt onto women so they can walk away blame-free"

I'm sorry, but this is not a problem with men. This is a problem with individuals. Men do this, women do this. To generalize an entire group and point fingers is the absolute opposite of a support group.

This isn't a support group for just one type of person...

As a man I came to this thread to seek support over my 15 years of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Instead I get here, and immediately start reading about how I must act because I'm a certain type of person.

I'm not allowed to say: Women do X, and women do X, and women are fucked up because of X.... and that makes perfect sense.

So why the imbalance?

/r/CPTSD Thread