Recently, the “5G causes Covid19” conspiracy theory has gained popularity. I’m a Radar Engineer with a masters degree in Telecommunication Engineering and a teaching qualification in high school physics!

I have seen articles claiming the radiation produced from 5G antenna are within acceptable levels. But what are those levels? And what is the tolerance?

Also, because I'm greedy and have a second question; despite evidence showing the radiation is acceptable, is there actually any long term studies into telecommunication radiation exposure? And what are the results?

I have done telecom installs previously and work as an electrical engineer. I'm not a conspiracy theorist wondering around in a tin hat. Just want to know the figures and facts from someone in the industry, because I think it is an interesting topic, especially when you correlate increasing cancer rates with an increase in daily usage of mobile devices. And ever advancing and changing radiation which has become standard in our daily lives. - Personally I think it's due to more and improved tests and better record keeping and sharing.....

/r/IAmA Thread