Recently found out i have a daughter, feel like my journey is over

Congratulations on your daughter!

You have a lot to process. There's no need to make any big decisions right now.

I'm a parent myself, but I didn't figure out I was trans till this year. I wish I could have transitioned when they were too little to remember me any other way. Now they're school age, and I worry about how it'd affect them if I were to transition.

Me staying closeted isn't great for them either, though. It affects my mental health, and while I do my absolute best to not let it affect them, it still does. And I hate being a hypocrite – I've always taught them that they can be whoever they want to be and I'll love them unconditionally, yet here I am hiding an important part of myself. It sucks and it's not sustainable.

Anyway, focus on bonding with your daughter and just take it one day at a time. You don't have to stay in the closet to be a good parent. In fact, doing so will likely be more damaging in the long run.

/r/asktransgender Thread