Recoil patterns (and why i play siege)

And OP was talking about how they enjoyed the realistic punishment of being tangibly punished for spraying like a dumbass. It forces you to fight more like a real soldier with a real gun, not some video game loon. You're not some superhuman cyborg, you're a dude with a gun. One bullet to your head will drop you and you suffer the same human fallibility of not being able to perfectly control your weapon. You, as the entity with agency, are responsible for minimizing your opponent's chance to get lucky and your reliance on luck itself. The fundamental way you approach a firefight, especially in regards to feathering and trigger control, is very different. It's one of the things that keeps Adderall Ashs from becoming unbearable as they laser you while strafing across the room at breakneck skinny bitch speeds. They can't just count on being able to totally account for ADS recoil to the point that it's not an issue. It prevents scripts and macros from giving people that ability as well.

I'd rather avoid this on sprinting Pulses, and Ashs, Jagers, Bandits, and the other people who pinpoint aim while sprinting, who will become incredibly annoying to play against. I don't play CoD or CS because those people piss me off. This will make that worse.

Are you familiar with the compounding effects of barrel whip and heat induced malleability? It's a basic characteristic of gun handling. Just tell yourself that's happening.

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