Reconciliation between Transhumanism and Primitivism?

So, if I were to say what adjectives I would probably say post-civ with maybe some transhumanist sympathies?

Like, I'm with you on the sentience-centrism (I think animal and AI liberation are important parts of anarchism) and I think it would be fucking great to develop intellegent AI. Secondly I think there's lots of potential in permaculture. Recycling existing resources would be great as well. And I'm all for body mods too. That's actually a huge part of my anarchism. Transhumanists call the same concept your talking about morphological freedom. And I think this relates and ties in heavily to anarcha-feminist, queer anarchist, tranarchist and anarcha-queer-feminist ideas. Part of the reason I am a anarchist and transhumanist is because I am a queer trans woman, and being differently abled and neurotypical plays a role as well.

As to population reduction. So this is where I have massive issues with what your saying. Honestly, I know some folks here talk about overpopulation. But it is in my opinion nothing more than a myth. It is ripped straight out of neo-Malthusian ideology. Bookchin for all his flaws wrote extensively about this and critiqued the idea that overpopulation was the cause of our ecological crisis. And I certainly don't want us to become extinct. I want to become post-human, and keep those who refuse to become post-human safe and alive. I am not okay with human extinction at all. And honestly I'm very pro-cosmopolitan and a strong urbanist. I want to see most of the earth rewilded and have a mix of super dense cities along with some other living arrangements like ecovillages and a mix of city and country. Creating a new city culture. And my last disagreement is with immortality. I think death is horrible. A tyranny in every regard. Of course people who want to die should be able to (say if their existence is painful beyond help) but I don't think death should be mandatory. If you are willing to prevent immortality due to ideological reasons your restricting others freedom because of some yuck factor you've developed. Death is wrong.

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